Two men sit across from each other at a table having a conversation in a purple lit room.

Should My Ministry Start a Podcast?

Should your ministry have a podcast to help disciple your community? Track through this handy flow chart to find out.

Published On: January 26th, 2024By 2 min read

Everyone and their dog started a podcast in 2020. It was all we could do to stay sane! But this year, the rate by which new podcasts are starting has severely declined aka returned to expected rates, according to a ListenNotes study. Despite it being a fad for a while, podcasts are still an essential way for churches and faith leaders to connect with and disciple their community. But it’s not the right tool for everyone. So how do you know podcasting is right for you?

I’ve created a handy dandy flow chart to help you answer just that! I’ve also transcribed in below for the sake of the internet. When in doubt, I’d be happy to answer any questions. Just pop me a message.

A flow chart to determine whether your ministry should start a podcast or not.

Should My Ministry Start a Podcast?

  1. Do you have a clear vision for what you’re going to talk about?
  2. If no… Ask yourself:
    1. Does your community listen to podcasts?
    2. Will it focus on youth or adults?
    3. How does the podcast fit in your current programs?
    4. Where is your community in it’s spiritual maturity?
    5. How will your show be different than what’s currently available?
    6. How will a podcast benefit your community?
    7. If you still don’t know: have you tried TikTok?
    8. If you’ve got an idea now go to 3.
  3. Do you have access to audio recording equipment?
    1. No -> Move to point 4
    2. Yes -> Go to point 5
  4. Are you willing to buy and learn the technology?
    1. No -> Spend your energy and resources elsewhere
    2. Yes -> Move to point 5
  5. Do you have a creative team to support you?
    1. No -> Hire a team member or freelancer
    2. Yes -> Go to point 6
  6. Do you have capacity for consistent creation?
    1. No -> Spend your energy and resources elsewhere
    2. Yes -> Go to point 7
  7. Are you the best voice to tell this story?
    1. No -> Equip someone else to host
    2. Yes -> Move to point 8
  8. Are you comfortable on camera?
    1. No -> Move to point 10
    2. Yes -> Move to point 9
  9. Do you LOVE engaging live with your audience?
    1. Yes -> Try YouTube Live or Twitch
    2. No -> Move to point 9
  10. Do you love talking to everyone in the lobby?
    1. Yes -> Host an interview show!
    2. No -> Host by yourself or find some co-hosts

I write these education topics for my fortnightly newsletter, podCasting Seeds, and I post them here two weeks after. Want it sooner with podcast recs, industry news, episode ideas AND a private podcast feed? Sign up for the dang thing then!

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